[Goshen College English 210] {Spring 2011}

Friday, September 4, 2015


I guess I'm out of practice.
The toughening of skin.

I had done it so much for so long
bottling up my thoughts
that would be deemed
                                     And just letting my body be comfort.

with you
it is the exact


I let my mind flow
one idea, observation, joke to the next
the innards of my mind become as intertwined with yours
as light through a fiber optic.

and I must harden the skin
of my palm.

the itch I feel
to reach out and grasp yours
I forget
is to be subdued.

I was so good before-- before The Gap.
I saw you so often, was so near to you
that I had trained the tingle in my hand to ebb away
the warmth in my thighs to subside
the flush of my face to calm.

the exact

of how I taught myself to be with him
is how I must relearn

to be with you.

                                                 Of course
                                      I learn that is what you have wanted too.

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